
Moving on with the times

Sunday, October 11, 2020
Hi, are you still following?If you are, then welcome back. I have just launched RiaFit vol. 2 - a YouTube channel. I've been hanging around on YouTube with another channel for a few months already, and wanted to carry on the legacy of my little blog by creating a second channel to revolve around my never ending journey with weight loss. See you...



Noom review vol 2

Monday, October 31, 2016
My journey with Noom has been a very long one - since starting my blog I have written two reviews  (1 & 2) for Noom and joined the guys at a launch event in London a while back! The app has had a bit of a makeover lately and the awesome people at Noom asked me to have a nosey around again. As...



Adjusting to a new routine

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
My life has turned upside down lately! I started a new job roughly three weeks ago now and it's kept me incredibly busy. Having loads of new information thrown at me has really hit my energy levels, so all I've managed to do after work is cook dinner and flop on the sofa for the rest of the night. My job required me...


gym clothes

I ♥ Shock Absorber

Tuesday, August 02, 2016
I keep going on about this pretty often in the blog - exercising without a decent sports bra is impossible. And just because having boobs isn't challenging enough, try having a cup size way larger than the average (most high street stores only stock sizes up to DD!). Going after specialist stores gets really expensive sometimes.. Shock Absorber seems to be doing some...


competition prep

I'm a viking!

Sunday, July 31, 2016
It's been so long since I've been to the gym! I completely forgot how incredible it is to walk in and just focus on improving yourself physically. It was about 5pm on a Sunday and the gym was practically empty, so getting back into the flow of it was so easy. I think the last time I rowed on an ergometer must've been...