Tuesday, September 17, 2013

13,484 steps & active burn 645 kcal. Seeing those numbers pop up on my UP were definitely a very welcome sight after a somewhat slacky week last week. No gym at all last week because of tight schedules and me being ill over the weekend, I definitely gave my body hell tonight! Upper body as usual on a Tuesday, lots of shoulder & arm work paired up with a few core exercises and stepper to get my heart racing for 15 minutes (192 bpm to be exact). And another personal record beaten, hit speed 10.5 on the treadmill today. :)

And yeah, our dresser is quite cluttered. Limited space, apologies.. :p

And just because I'm proud of my guns, a bit of flexing once we got home. ;) Just need to get rid of that fat under my arms and I'll be perfectly happy. Shouldn't take me too long in all fairness.

Uni (and work) really has limited my blogging time for the past few weeks. In a way I'm really happy that I've got plenty of things to do again, but it's also taking time away from a very dear hobby I've kept going since January. I love having my little space to talk about things that matter to me and to track my progress through pictures and stories.

Anyways, yesterday's uni outfit on the left and a very tired me from earlier tonight on the right. Still managed to draw enough energy to go gymming, though!

Oh and did I mention, my other half actually cooked us dinner tonight! In the actual cooking sense, usually him saying "Oh I'll cook tonight" means that he will ring up an Indian and order us dinner. But he went through a lot of effort to cook us a delicious steak dinner, he actually cooked it all a lot better than I do! Was very nice to just sit down for once and relax while he did the cooking. :) Unfortunately didn't have the patience to take a picture of this wonderful meal, I just wanted to tuck in!

And time for some post workout food now. :)

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